
Great stuff, as always, Damon.

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Thank you, Russell. I continue to enjoy your Facebook page--the art, music, the writing, and even the family!

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Good piece! We appear to have similar “offices,” although my bookshelves overflowed years ago, whereupon books began emerging from the floor like fungal towers forming a biblio obstacle course. The trick is finding the one you need when you need it. Which is where patience would come in handy, if I possessed such a thing.

Spiffy photos as well.

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Hey, thanks Ned! It's cool to know our "offices" are book brothers. You are certainly correct--"finding the one you need when you need it" is indeed the trick. As I was writing "The 31st," I needed to dig up a collection of Walter Benjamin writings. I was searching for his "Unpacking My Library" essay. Eventually, I found the book and the essay, though of course, I realized while searching for the volume that the search was the thing. I discovered books I had nearly forgotten. Afterwards, I moved them ahead on the perennial reading list. And maybe I will read them. Often it's enough to know they are there...somewhere.

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what is it about books? they fill up shelves, then in front of and on top of the others, they spill over onto the floor, table tops and chairs. and we love them all! wonderful, as always, damon. thank you.

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It's something we share, Tabby Ivy. Your table of books is very impressive, and your book collection in "the room" would keep me company for months!

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Been waiting for that office essay for years.

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And your work is in that office, Mr. Anthony Head. I am proud of that fact. I hope to be adding TEXAS DIVES to my collection this spring!

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Tonya Morton, Damon Falke

What a beautiful New Year's Eve reverie. Thanks for your work, Damon.

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So kind of you to respond, Susan. Thank you so much.

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