this is such perfection. you write so honestly and with your genius of storytelling I can just feel that precarious place it comes from - vertigo/nausea and the relief from vomiting! and the appreciation from that all of that causing you to slow down if for just a moment. I am going back to read it again. thanks tonya!
Very touching, very beautifully written. I will take "The universe would not be still for me this morning. I had to be still for it. " with me for a long time.
You write as naturally as breathing, Tonya. This is truly a masterwork, a glint of light coming from your soul. It moves me deeply to read it. Can't say much more than that as I'm still under its spell.
this is such perfection. you write so honestly and with your genius of storytelling I can just feel that precarious place it comes from - vertigo/nausea and the relief from vomiting! and the appreciation from that all of that causing you to slow down if for just a moment. I am going back to read it again. thanks tonya!
Thank you so much, both of you!
How eloquent and elegant are your descriptions of place, of your illness, of your appreciation of your healthy body! Beautifully written, like a song.
Thank you so much, Kathryn!
Very touching, very beautifully written. I will take "The universe would not be still for me this morning. I had to be still for it. " with me for a long time.
Thank you, Jodie! I’m so glad it resonated with you.
You write as naturally as breathing, Tonya. This is truly a masterwork, a glint of light coming from your soul. It moves me deeply to read it. Can't say much more than that as I'm still under its spell.
Thank you so much for your beautiful, thoughtful words, Cherie.
beautiful colors, both seen and imagined
Thank you, Eric!
I absolutely love the phrasing of "wounded, but still climbing out." What a perfect way to put it. Thank you, as always, Connie.