Some Places Still Keep the World
"Consider what happens when you believe that your life has been gifted to you..."
“But notice again when you are standing in such a place and consider why you have stopped and how you maybe see a stream of light falling from stranger branches or how you stop to watch water becoming more than water, and then you might consider too what happens when you believe that your life has been gifted to you and consider how you might, in your own time, give that same life away and at the last of it look around and listen and reach however far you can reach into a breeze, a wind, or even a breath…”
— From Now at the Uncertain Hour, by Damon Falke, a theatrical piece written for live performance.
Tabby writes:
It wasn’t until I finished this painting that I listened again to a 2014 recording of Damon’s play Now At The Uncertain Hour. Even though the painting happened years after the play was written and performed, I was so taken by how the painting and Damon’s words spoke to each other I wanted them paired together in the exhibition and book.
Listen to the North Country Public Radio broadcast of the Square Top Theatre production of Now At The Uncertain Hour at this link:
"Some Places Still Keep the World", 30x35 inches, oil on linen-covered panel, 2020, from Between Artists, Life in Paintings and Prose - Damon Falke and Tabby Ivy. Hockaday Museum of Art, Kalispell. Montana though August 20, 2022/book available at
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Tabby Ivy is a painter living in Bigfork, Montana. Painting came to her late in life. Her studio is in a converted golf cart garage. It is a sanctuary for painting and reading her vast collection of art books.
Damon Falke is the author of, among other works, The Scent of a Thousand Rains, Now at the Uncertain Hour, By Way of Passing, and Koppmoll (film). He lives in northern Norway.